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Elbit Systems and Roboteam introduce ROOK, new multi-payload 6X6 UGV

תמונת הסופר/ת: dgross479dgross479

Posted On Tuesday, 16 November 2021 15:58

Elbit Systems and Roboteam launches ROOK, a multi-payload military 6X6 Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) that features unique design and built-in autonomy suite offering a combination of greater capacity, improved maneuverability and must-have on-field agility that are key for greater mission effectiveness.

With self-weight of 1200kg, low center of gravity and ground clearance of 24cm, ROOK is capable of carrying up to 1200kg of payloads while maintaining superior maneuverability and transferability (Picture source: Roboteam)

The ROOK UGV was developed based on the operational experience accumulated through fielding of the 4×4 PROBOT UGV systems in several countries including the U.S., France, Israel and the UK. Watch the ROOK UGV in action here

The ROOK was designed from scratch as a robotic UGV platform in compliance with applicable Military Standards, applying Modular Box structure enabling on-field components replacement with no need for qualified technician or OEM lab maintenance, and efficient upgrades and modification without OEM involvement.

ROOK UGV (Picture source: Roboteam)

A built-in TORCH-X Robotic and Autonomous (RAS) application, provides ROOK with full autonomy and the capability to efficiently navigating rough terrain, during both day and night to deliver supplies, evacuate casualties, perform intelligence gathering missions (including by dispatching on-board VTOL), and operate as a remote weapon system

ROOK operating in rough terrain (Picture source: Elbit Systems)

With self-weight of 1200kg, low center of gravity and ground clearance of 24cm, ROOK is capable of carrying up to 1200kg of payloads while maintaining superior maneuverability and transferability. Full compliance with the UGV Interoperability Profile (IOP) turns ROOK into a multi-payload platform providing users with seamless plug and play payload integration.

Using modular hybrid energy configuration of batteries and optional internal generator, ROOK provides operational endurance of up to 8 drive hours and a speed of 30km per hour. ROOK is operated either via the TORCH-X RAS application or through an all-weather 7-inch rugged display unit, enabling a single operator to control several unmanned systems.


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